Wednesday, September 29, 2010

we're just a weatherman (you make the wind blow)

Yes, I know it's irritating to complain about the weather, especially when I live in Southern California where everything is so mild. Our summers are never too hot. Our winters are never too cold. (Althought, that whole, "it never rains in California" thing is obnoxious. It does rain here. Sometimes it's cold and cloudy and foggy. We don't run around, basking in the warmth of blue skies three-hundred and sixty five days a year. I remember an episode of The O.C. where the characters where ASTONISHED to find it raining one day. Uggh, shut up. We don't act like that. - But I digress).

However, when it's six days into fall and the barometer is reading 110° and rising, I'm probably going to do a little bit of bitching. Cause, what the heck? That's ridiculous. One of my facebook friends wrote, "I wonder if any of the California people complaining about the weather know how hot it is in Arizona." To which I wanted to respond: "Why yes I do. THAT'S WHY I DON'T LIVE THERE."

Whatever, it was weird. Let us bitch. You can complain about your heat and your humidity and snow and what-the-heck-ever too when it comes to it.

(As a sidenote: There's something weirdly cathartic about complaining via social networking sites. "I will tweet my thoughts to the world and somehow everything will magically seem better!" Maybe we're just a society that, at heart, loves to complain and talk about ourselves. Bunch of narcissistic babies.)

I'll end with something that isn't complaining though. Two days removed from the record setting heat on Monday and it's still hot but now we've got cloud cover and humidty and rain in the forecast. Which, while gross, also makes for some splendid sunsets. Like the one we had tonight. 

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